Level 1: Easy Peasy Driving Breezy
Our mildest, gentlest tour - for those who are more into nature and sightseeing, than conquering terrain.
Our tour begins at the pick-up point: participants take their seats in the vehicles, and instructors drive them to the starting point of the tour. Transfer from Riga center takes about 30 minutes. At the starting point the safety briefing is held: listen carefully, knowing what to do and what not to is important in order to not spoil the fun for everybody. At this point the adventure begins - you can now take the wheel.
Your instructor will guide you through the technical aspects of driving the terrain ahead of you, while also providing a helping hand where needed.
The route includes passages through Latvia's signature tall, slender pine forests with hill climbs and descents, with a lot of driving over soft sand, until we reach a lower, peatier forest spots. You can foresee the terrain change from afar, as pines and moss carpet are replaced by moody bog firs and wild cranberry bushes. Here we will likely get stuck, but just a little bit, because this is an easy tour.
So, while some of us are getting unstuck, others have options:
1) To observe the stuck party while showering them with invaluable bits of wisdom.
2) To observe the stuck party and make unapologetic fun of them, while filming the whole ordeal on video.
3) Help the stuck party in order to proceed with the tour.
4) Leave the stuckers alone, and go get yourself some berries.
Whichever option you choose is up to you, no judgement on our part.
We proceed the drive on a peaty terrain, until we reach another change of landscape: floodplain. Watch your step as it is easy to sink up to the knee level here. Also, if you are the plant enthusiast like we are, you will be delighted to know that this is the type of place that Water Arum (Calla Palustris), the only wild calla specie in Latvia enjoys. If it's summer, you may see it bloom. The terrain here is rather unforgiving, but if you keep your eyes on the track and your ears pinned towards your instructor, you will emerge on the other side victorious.
Time flies! For a 2h tour we must now head to the finish point. But our track is blocked by a small river - given the events of the day we say: challenge accepted. At the finish point we thank each other for the day well spent, if the award ceremony is planned then the award are given, otherwise, participants take passenger seats, and instructors drive them to the drop off location.
If this seems too mellow, we can hit things up a notch with a little competition:
Competitive activities:
Backseat Driver: Are you the person who enjoys giving driving directions from the comfort of the car's backseat? It’s your time to shine! You become the eyes of the driver, who is conveniently blindfolded, and has no other choice than to do what you say. Neat, huh?! First vehicle at the finish line is the winner, the key to success is precision, and communication.
Smells Like Team Spirit: Your team receives a binder full of directions to the finish line. Which of your buddies can be trusted with driving? Which one is the pro at reading maps? Who is notoriously famous for getting lost in the shopping mall? Fastest vehicle at the finish line is the winner. The key to success is knowing one's strengths and weaknesses, communication and team spirit!
Gone with the blink: It is known that on a clear day human eye can see as far as 20 km. On a clear night one can see Andromeda Galaxy, which is 25 million light years away. But can one spot a checkpoints we've carefully hidden in the forest? From a moving vehicle? That is the question. The objective is to take pictures with a team member touching a checkpoint. The winner is the team with most photos taken in the given time frame.
Googly eyes: Spiders have 8 eyes, and octopuses see not only with their eyes, but also with their skin. You'll wish you were a spider-octopus for this challenge. Your crew receives directions to the finish line, and a set of photos taken along the route. To make your life even more difficult, our instructors added some random pics into the mix. The winner is the team who finds as many photo sights IRL in a given timeframe. The key to success is having as many eyes as possible. Blueberries are banned as a doping on this challenge :}
Additional services:
Picknick: If your tour duration exceeds 3h, we suggest having a lunch break in a picturesque location. You can either bring your own delicacies, or for larger groups, we can arrange catering on a spot.
Sightseeing: Tours can be organized around some point of interest: Rundale castle, or an oak tree 9m in diameter - both are a sight to behold. Are you an abandoned army base lover, or a bird watching enthusiast? Can't wait to see some tiny countryside churches? Tell us what you are into, and we will figure out where to take you.
Merchandise: It is possible to arrange a useful 4x4 themed mementos, like thermo cups, water bottles or clothing items as a prize for the winners. We can also arrange more design - and - craft type of prizes - think handmade pottery, porcelain, wool, honey - the list goes on!
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